Dear Blogger Networks: Why Don’t You LIKE Me?

Oh, right, it’s probably my use of phrases like “dicking around” and posts like my now all too famous “Homemade Swear Words” or the time I wrote about feeding my dogs virgin blood… but in all fairness, really, I just want what’s best for dogs in the most ridiculous and pretentious manner possible. It probably doesn’t help that last month my most popular post was titled, “My husband wouldn’t stab me,” in which I detailed how I begged my husband to stab me on video. HEY! I did it for YOU. And there might have been something about a stab proof vest in there… I can’t be expected to remember all the things. But, regardless of their true reasons why, I have been declined by every blog network I’ve applied for. I usually get these really fabulous diplomatically vague answers about my content and numbers not being right for them Continue reading Dear Blogger Networks: Why Don’t You LIKE Me?