Deployment Series: There’s A Season For Everything In Life

I’m Neidy from Neidy’s Infinite Playlist! I’m 21 (almost 22! My birthday’s August 13!), brand new mommy to a sweet little boy, wife to an amazing man who happens to be a Marine, a firm believer in Jesus Christ and proclaimer of His Gospel, a music fanatic, film enthusiast, photographer/cinematographer, and overall, just a silly girl who loves the simple things in life like crunchy leaves to step on, lunch with good friends, a sleeping husband by her side, and cute baby giggles 😀

There’s a season for everything in life.

I remember repeating that to myself several times before he left. This season though, there was a new person that would have to deal with his departure. 

Photo Credit: Keary Dee Photography

I  love this picture so much because it is literally minutes before he came. That was the last time he would be clinging onto me solely.

My baby didn’t know what he was missing; but I knew. I knew the smiles from his daddy that he was missing. I knew how much he wanted to play with his little toes. I knew how much he wanted to read to him and put him to bed. 

I knew that in that season, his daddy wanted to be there the very second he came into this world, breathing his first breath, and looking at his new family.

But the season didn’t allow for it. And that’s sometimes what has to happen.

Like all seasons though, they pass. And that’s what I had to remember. “This too shall pass” became my favorite verse and saying. All the countless nights sleeping alone, all the tears I shed, the difficult delivery, the long nights awake, and the countless feedings. I had to be a double parent when I had just become one. 

It was hard.

But it passed. Even with the crazy that happened all through deployment though, there were good times. There were cute little smiles when Charlie would hear daddy on the phone. There were special mommy and baby bonding moments. I discovered I had great friends that would do anything for me. 

Sometimes you need those seasons to realize that little things like that matter…and they accumulate into the next season.

Photo Credit: Keary Dee Photography

And the next season…well, let’s just say that it’s the best season of all.

Be sure to check out the other posts in this series!  You can view them under the Deployment Series tab, or by clicking HERE

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