About A Girl

I’m a Vet Tech who works at a busy ER and specialty hospital located somewhere in the Seattle area.  I sort of fell into vet medicine and found that I LOVE it and am actually fairly good at what it.  I have enjoyed a number of career advancements and opportunities in my short life as a tech and am currently working towards gaining my VTS (veterinary technician specialty) in emergency and critical care.

In my spare time, I love to blog.  I also enjoy cross stitching, scrapbooking, sewing and just about any other nerdy, DIY activity you can think of.  I also read a fair amount and spend most of my life fighting with training my two bratty dogs who are the lights of my otherwise rather boring life.  It will do well to note that I am a Bloody Mary connoisseur  and can often be found enjoying one with breakfast.  What other kind of hard alcohol can be enjoyed at 9 AM without judgement?  That’s why I say it’s the breakfast of champions.

I am married to A Boy and I began blogging in 2008 as a means of coping with a rather difficult deployment.  I am currently a contributing blogger for USMClife.com and have been featured on Spousebuzz.com, as well as Homefront United Network. (To see more of my published works please visit my Where I’ve Been Featured page.)


A Boy AKA The Hubs is a 30-something Marine Corps reservist with over 11 years of service and has deployed to Iraq twice during that time.

Though our agreement states that I cannot share his MOS, rank, or our specific duty station, I can tell you that we live in Washington State and that he holds a civilian job, which he hopes to leave soon to pursue a career in law enforcement.

In his spare time he loves to make me an Xbox Widow, enjoys beer tastings, and playing with the dogs.  He can most often be found with a cold beer and a good friend talking guns, military, or how much people drive him nuts. 🙂


 A Boy, A Girl, and The Marine Corps

A Boy and I met just after he returned from his first deployment.  I thought he was cocky and arrogant and he was determined to win me over.  We were married within 2 years of that meeting and he deployed shortly after.  He is currently back home and we are muddling through the aftermath of the deployment and the difficulties we had.

This blog was starting shortly before he left as a means of coping with being a newlywed facing a deployment.  It has blossomed into a place that I can share my hopes and dreams just as readily as my fears and frustrations.  I believe that everyone can learn from the situations they are in and, though in the moment I don’t relish it, I love to share the fails and follies of my life.  I truly believe that I am a walking cautionary tale and have enjoyed the responses I have received in response to my stories about life.

Sometimes all you can do is laugh to keep from crying in this life.

You can contact A Girl at